Join us on Saturday, July 13th at 6:30pm for the Power Wheels Derby for kids! All children participating will receive a prize.
Children can register in-person prior to the event. IF we have enough entries, we will have 2 classes: ages 3-5 and 6-8.
RULES: ALL children must be signed in with at least one legal parent/guardian at the pit gate. PIT PASS CHARGES MUST APPLY TO ANYONE ENTERING THE PIT AREA FOR ANY REASON. Each age group will be given a time limit. One parent will be allowed on the track with child during the event.
ALL children MUST wear safety helmets. Highly recommended full face helmet. ALL children must wear at minimum: long sleeve shirt, long pants, full footwear (boots recommended – NO OPEN TOED SHOES). If child gets out/off of the power wheel during event, that child is out of the event.
ALL Power Wheels must remain stock with no added reinforcements! You may replace plastic tires with rubber tire or similar size for added traction. Must use factory battery only and must be mounted securely and covered.
Power Wheels may be decorated, but may NOT be reinforced by decoration. Decoration can only be made out of the following: card board, tape, paper, etc. NO sharp, protruding elements allowed.
Each Power Wheel must have a number visible.